Andrew Katz
Tech lawyer
Unique combination of skills
Andrew’s unique skillset lies at the nexus of open source software compliance, and the legal framework which supports it on a global basis. In-house software developers and dev-ops often need support in the legal requirements of complex licence management processes. Andrew’s rare combination of skills and knowledge allows him to understand the issues, and provide effective compliance solutions based on both legal and technological best practice.
With 25 years’ experience as a Tech lawyer, combined with the development of a unique skillset in open source knowledge and experience, Andrew can offer clients a streamlined and effective solution to the challenges of cross-border open source compliance.
Meeting the needs of clients
In order to help clients meet the interlocking demands of open source specialism with legal expertise, Andrew established Orcro Limited in 2019. Orcro has in-house expertise in software engineering, open source community engagement, training, dev-ops, change management and business process analysis, enabling a fast, reliable, and, where possible, automated process for ensuring that new products are legally compliant – often across borders.
Andrew’s clients have included some of the world’s leading technology companies, ranging from major multi-nationals through to specialist start-ups across China and the Far East, North America, and Europe.
Involvement in world-leading industry bodies
Andrew has industry-leading knowledge of the latest developments in open source software compliance – and has even been instrumental in driving that framework forward on a global basis. Notable contributions amongst many include:
· drafting the widely-used Solderpad Open Hardware Licence (http://solderpad.org/licenses/).
· membership on the core legal team for drafting the CERN Open Hardware licence.
· heavy involvement in the Linux Foundation’s Open Chain project where he chairs the UK WorkGroup and the Education Workgroup
· selection to lead the Open Hardware section of the European Commission’s Impact Study on Open Source Software and Hardware.
Andrew has contributed to major publications on open source software development and compliance. He regularly talks and keynotes at conferences worldwide