Privacy summary

Orcro Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales under Number 11173406. VAT number: GB 289 7831 32. Orcro Limited is not regulated as a law firm and does not provide legal advice. Individuals’ qualifications are as set out in their bio page. Reference to an individual as a lawyer, solicitor or paralegal does not mean that they are acting in that capacity as an Orcro staff member.

  • Orcro takes data protection seriously.
  • We keep to a minimum the information we hold about you.
  • We do not use cookies or Google Analytics.
  • We use your data to provide our services to you, respond to your enquiries, manage our relationship with you, meet our legal and regulatory obligations, manage risk and improve our website.
  • We delete your data when it is no longer needed for these things.
  • Generally, we do not give your information to third parties, but there are some exceptions.
  • If Orcro, at some point in the future, chooses to sell, merge, divest or transfer any part of our business then your data will be transferred to the new business and used in accordance with this privacy policy. The lawful basis for processing in this scenario is legitimate interest, since evolving our company is a legitimate thing for us to do.
  • You have privacy rights.
  • We are happy to talk to you about how we process and protect your data.

Want more detail?

To see more about how we use your personal data, read the notice or notices which apply best to your relationship with us: